Sunday, May 16, 2010

My First Blog

Hi all!

This is my first blog and I started it because I need an outlet for all the stress in my life and to pass on my experiences to working mothers. I have two girls. One girl "JG" who is 4 and a 9.3 month old "CG". My husband, ("SG") jokingly, is my third child. Ok, maybe there's some truth to it.

By way of introduction, I am a full time lawyer, working at a law firm based in New York City. I am working out of the White Plains office since it's 15 minutes from my house, my daughter's school and their daycare. My husband is a paramedic and he too works a full time job and a few handful of per diem jobs.

Life is hard with two children. Late last week CG came down with a horrible bi-lateral ear infection and had a fever for four days. I had to stay home from work Thursday and Friday and I am so glad she's doing better so that I can get back to work on Monday. I can't imagine how much catch up I have tomorrow and not looking forward to a hectic day.

I am lucky in many respects since my work is flexible and understanding when I can't come in due to a child being ill and/or some kind of emergency. My older daughter, since the baby started crawling is demanding a lot of attention. So much so that I have stopped TV at nights. This forces us to talk and have some mommy and me time before bedtime.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this blog. My family, not just my immediate, can be very entertaining. But I'll let you be the judge of that :-)

For now, good night until tomorrow

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